Monday, September 24, 2007

A Way With Words

Are all ways always
.......... If
..... and when
... Time in time
. Weighs all ways.
.... Balancing

Possibilities possibly possible always all ways
If there is only (if there I am only)
Way, the way
To take and to take
...............................a way takes away
The weight of
Some of all

The ways. Yet it does not take too much. If drawn in all
the right directions. Coloring is done
On the outside
Of the lines

Quartered into
Quatrains and Quartets.

What if there is eight ways,

Is my quality

quelled by a quiver full of arrows?

Are all ways always only one I
Want or will
time tell what will be

the weight of all

the ways with words

I told time and time told
me, scolding me,
telling time took
away all ways.

Yet it kept one which will be
the way which will
Take away

Me. Re-
a way with words?
Are................words away
......From me?

Does the melancholy music betray, my sweet?
Or is
.......... It
...................the music I to cast
.................................................away the world of
......................................words, would that not be
what I need...

"Quiet rambler!" says the samurai slicer

Quieting the silencer.

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